Business Tips:-You don't have to wait for your customers to be back again keep in touch with them sms them using this website when you have got new offers or discounts for them.
RedSMS Uganda Bulk SMS Services
us, you can easily send bulk SMS messages at low cost to all networks in Uganda, with our
advanced and fast program that guarantees direct links between you and
telecom companies.
Our website also guarantees you: 1- It's fast, cheap and Reliable.
2- SMS to all networks in Uganda. 3- Unlimited phonebook capacity. 4- SMS Scheduling.
5- Send personalized sms ("Ability to change sender's Name or ID") supports both numbers & alphabets. 6- 24/7 online support customer care.
7- Easy Me2U i.e you can share sms with a friend..
8- Instant deliverly , no waitings and delays..
9- Very simple to use and Automatically removes duplicates.